Interdisciplinary training
Summer Academy ‘Making the Case for Goal-oriented care’, 5-7 September 2019
This summer academy, which is being held in Leuven, is researching the potential of goal-oriented care. The participants will consider the current situation and analyse promising practices. The aim is to work together to come up with new methods of implementing goal-oriented care, in order to have an approach that is based on the wishes and needs of the people who need care and support.
What does the Fund aim to achieve through the Summer Academy?
- to work out a shared understanding of the term ‘goal-oriented care’;
- to illustrate how goal-oriented care is already being implemented in promising practices;
- to identify the characteristics that make goal-oriented care successful;
- to carry out research into the skills that professionals and policymakers need for this, with the emphasis on management, governance, information sharing and responsibility.